Common Mistakes in Home Pet Grooming

When dog owners attempt pet grooming at home, there are several common mistakes that are made. Pet grooming is a skill, but with the right equipment and patience it can become a household duty that will save both time and money. You have to be careful. A slip of the clippers can cause injury to your animal. This is not only physical injury, but emotional. Trust is loss once pain is inflicted and your pet may not treat you the same afterward.

The first common mistake is getting to close to the skin while shaving. The clippers can leave a nasty razor burn that can open its way to later infections. If you accidentally give your pet a burn while grooming, stop and apply first aid. Put on some anti-bacteria salve and if possible clean the wound. Hug you pet and let it know that you are sorry and it was an accident. Though they might not understand the words, your pet will understand the tone and will react accordingly. The emotional pain is just as bad as the physical. Watch the wound carefully and if it becomes red or issues puss, contact your veterinarian immediately. If the animal licks or otherwise irritates the wound, you might want to get a protective plastic collar to stop the behavior.

Another mistake in novice pet grooming is getting shampoo or other chemicals in your pet's eye. Either from your mistake or from the animal's head movement soap can splash. This unintentional act will sting your pet's eyes and lead to an unpleasant pet grooming experience. Wash the soap out with water or saline solution and dab the corners of the eye with a sterile cloth. Sooth you animal and try to take the focus off their eyes and maybe gain their attention by showing them a favorite toy or ball. Hold the toy up so the pet can see it. Move the toy back and forth. As your pet tracks the toy, look into their eyes for signs of irritation.

A possible fatal mistake in pet grooming is leaving your animal unrestrained or loose during grooming. Some animals, especially cats hate baths and will run at any opportunity. Your dog and cat can put themselves in dangerous situations by trying to escape the pet grooming activity. They may run out in the street and be hit by a care or be attacked by a stray animal. Make sure your dog is at least on a leash. You may even want to put a muzzle on your pet to protect both you and them. If you wash your dog outside, wash it in a fenced yard so that the temptation to run will be short lived and safe.

Pet grooming is best left to a professional. The temptation to do it yourself may lead to a successful experience that will be cheaper. The bonding time with the animal is another perk to grooming your pet yourself. It can be rewarding for both parities involved if the proper safety tips are followed and you as the owner fill comfortable in the enterprise.

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